Sdctf 2021
A prime hash candidate
Solved by : thewhiteh4t
- We are given a hash function in this challenge which we had to reverse
- hash initializes a variable
- then it iterates over every character of the password given to it
- for every character it multiplies
by 31 - then adds the ascii value of the character to it
Reverse :
- first I defined a character set which contains :
- alphabets in both cases
- numbers
- symbols
- then I randomized the character set
- the
is a long integer, python has accuracy problems with long integers so I used decimal library to set precision - now we don’t know which characters were processed by the hash function, we just have the output so we need to brute force each character of the actual password
- we can get the the ascii value of the characters by using
function in python - since we are going reverse we will
the ascii value found from the target hash - in the hash function the result was being multiplied by 31, so if we have the correct character,
the result of
hash - ord(character) % 31
will be 0 because it will be fully divisible by 31. - during testing I saw that multiple characters from our character set produced 0 modulus at a certain point which hints that one password generated by our reverse function may not be correct, hence we are randomizing the character set and generating more random passwords
- so whenever the modulus is 0 we will divide the hash by 31 eventually reducing it
- when enough characters are found and hash reduces to 0 we pass the newly generated password into the hash function provided by the challenge to verify if it matches the challenge hash
- if we get a correct match we send it to the server and get our flag!
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
import decimal
from pwn import *
PASSWD = "59784015375233083673486266"
found = False
def hash(data):
out = 0
for c in data:
out *= 31
out += ord(c)
return str(out)
def submit(password):
host = ''
port = 1337
conn = remote(host, port)
conn.send(password.encode() + '\n'.encode())
flag = conn.recvuntil('}').decode().split('\n')[2]
def plain(data):
global found
decimal.getcontext().prec = 100
chars = 'aAbBcCdDeEfFgGHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ1234567890@#$%^&*()_+[]/,.-+=;"'
tmp_lst = list(chars)
chars = ''.join(tmp_lst)
num = 31
enc = decimal.Decimal(data).to_integral_exact()
tmp = 0
password = ''
positive = True
while positive:
for char in chars:
if tmp < 0:
positive = False
chr_int = ord(char)
tmp = enc - chr_int
rem = tmp % num
if rem == 0:
enc = decimal.Decimal(tmp / num).to_integral_exac()
password += char
password = password[::-1]
print(f'[!] Trying : {password}')
pass_hash = hash(password)
if pass_hash == PASSWD:
print('[+] Correct Password!')
found = True
print('[-] Incorrect! Skipping...\n')
while not found: