
Nahamcon 2021


if we inspect the pcap file in wireshark we can see some of the packets have “Leftover Capture Data”, these are our keystrokes, we can extract the value of these by using tshark :

tshark -r henpeck.pcap -T fields -e usb.capdata > usb_data.txt

after that we can use a py script to convert this data into readable characters

newmap = {
	4: 'a', 5: 'b', 6: 'c', 7: 'd', 8: 'e',
	9: 'f', 10: 'g', 11: 'h', 12: 'i', 13: 'j', 14: 'k', 15: 'l',
	16: 'm', 17: 'n', 18: 'o', 19: 'p', 20: 'q', 21: 'r', 22: 's',
	23: 't', 24: 'u', 25: 'v', 26: 'w', 27: 'x', 28: 'y', 29: 'z',
	30: '1', 31: '2', 32: '3', 33: '4', 34: '5', 35: '6', 36: '7',
	37: '8', 38: '9', 39: '0', 43: '    ', 44: ' ', 45: '_', 47: '{',
	48: '}', 56: '/'
ks = []
msg = []

with open('hid_data.txt') as kshex:
	mykeys = kshex.readlines()
	for key in mykeys:
		if len(key) > 5:

i = 1
for line in ks:
	bytesArray = bytearray.fromhex(line.strip())
	for byte in bytesArray:
		if byte != 0:
			keyVal = int(byte)

			if keyVal in newmap:

	i += 1

Published on : 15 Mar 2021