
Hacktivitycon 2021


Solved By : choco

We are given an encrypted flag with randomized key. The hint is that this uses a one time pad encryption

The general gist of one pad encryption: You have a plain text: P = “HELLO” (8 5 12 12 15) We are given a key: K = “DREFX” (4 18 5 6 24)

The encryption comes in when we add both P and K to get encryption C = “L W Q R M” (12 23 17 18 13(39%26))

So P + K = (C%N) where N is the letter range To get the decipher text we simple subtract C with K P = “HELLO” (8 5 12 12 15(11%26)

So (P%N) = C - K

The vulnerability comes in if the same key K is used to encrypt another plain text provided we know the range of text used along with the length

Suppose P1 = “AAAAA” (1 1 1 1 1) P1 + K = C1 C1 = “ETFGY” (5 19 6 7 25)

We could easily get the key if it is within the modulus range C1 - P1 = K K = “DREFX” (4 18 5 6 24)

We can now use this to get P with the given C

But another way to find P is using simple logic

C1 - P1 = C - P So P = C - C1 + P1 All we need to do is find C - C1 to 0 and we can guess P

Using this logic we will find the flag The code for difference C - C1 is given below and difference is added to P1 and manually repeated until we get C - C1 as 0

import binascii

A = "dc0de91facbe90ee6f652167906ee0d17123cf9e746a63db4b4e7d93040f59331ead9be0b2fe"
Ahex = binascii.unhexlify(A) 
B = "dc0de91facbe90ee6f652167906ee0d17123cf9e746a63db4b4e7d93040f59331ead9be0b2fe"

Al = list(bytearray(Ahex))
Bl = list(bytearray(binascii.unhexlify(B)))
C = "flag{00000000000000000000000000000000}"

Chex = list(bytearray(C))

d = []
for i in range(len(Al)):
    d.append(Al[i] - Bl[i])

k = []
c = []
for i in range(len(Al)):
    k.append(Chex[i] + d[i])
    if((48 <= k[i] <= 57) or (97 <= k[i] <= 102) or k[i] == 108 or k[i]==103 or k[i]==123 or k[i]==125):

flag: flag{9276cdb76a3dd6b1f523209cd9c0a11b}

Published on : 20 Sep 2021