
Cyber Apocalypse 2023

Perfect Synchronization

Solved by Avantika(@iamavu)

Challenge Description

The final stage of your initialization sequence is mastering cutting-edge technology tools that can be life-changing. One of these tools is quipqiup, an automated tool for frequency analysis and breaking substitution ciphers. This is the ultimate challenge, simulating the use of AES encryption to protect a message. Can you break it?

We are given two files, one is very long hex text file and another one is the below is the

#import library and the plaintext(flag)
from os import urandom 
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from secret import MESSAGE

#make all characters from the message in uppercase except underscore, curly braces and space
assert all([x.isupper() or x in '{_} ' for x in MESSAGE])

class Cipher:

    def __init__(self):
        self.salt = urandom(15) #generate secure random salt using 'urandom'
        key = urandom(16) #generate secure random key using 'urandom'
        self.cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) #generate aes-ecb cipher

    def encrypt(self, message):
        return [self.cipher.encrypt(c.encode() + self.salt) for c in message] #encode the string, add salt and then encrypy it char by char

def main():
    cipher = Cipher()
    encrypted = cipher.encrypt(MESSAGE) #encrypt the plaintext/flag
    encrypted = "\n".join([c.hex() for c in encrypted]) #hex it up char by char with new line after every char

    with open("output.txt", 'w+') as f:
        f.write(encrypted) #write the file to output.txt

if __name__ == "__main__":

P.S - Comments are added by me, challenge didn’t have the comments

So we know what the is doing, but here is the catch, if you open up the output.txt you will see that lot of the hex strings are being repeated and the description mentions the tool quipqiup which is a frequency analysis tool.

My approach to this was that each char would be alphabet excluding the underscore, curly braces and space. So the encryption of let’s say a would be the same hex string because that’s how AES-ECB works. So if we have default frequency of english alphabet, and we calculate frequency of various hex strings in the output.txt we should be able to co-relate which hex string is which character and then pass this new replaced text to quipqiup and get our flag time to script, hackers!

import collections

default_frequency = list("ETAOINSRHDLUCMFYWGPBVKXQJZ _{}") #default frequnece of english alphabet
output = open('output.txt', 'r') 
ct_list = output.readlines() #read the output file line by line
final_list = [item.replace('\n', '') for item in ct_list] #remove the new line and make it a list
frequency = collections.Counter(final_list) #create dict with key/value pair of string and it's frequency
sorted_dict = dict(sorted(dict(frequency).items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)) #looks a lot but it essentially sorts the dict by value (frequency)
ultra_dict = dict(zip(sorted_dict, default_frequency)) #create a dict with value replaced with alphabets
text = ''.join(ct_list) #get the ciphertext
for hexvalue, letter in ultra_dict.items():
        text = text.replace(hexvalue, letter) #replace each hext string in cipher text with the letter it belongs to from the final dict we created
print(text.replace('\n', ''))
print("Send above text to quipqiup") 

Well, that was really messy logic and very bad code but it works : D We will get output of some text when you run this


and when you send this to we will get out plaintext


Which is sorta broken as Z came in the place of space and space came in the place of _ but it sorta worked(?) we have our flag string HTB{A SIMPLE SUBSTITUTION IS WEAK} replace space by underscore and we good to go HTB{A_SIMPLE_SUBSTITUTION_IS_WEAK}

Published on : 27 Mar 2023