
Cyber Apocalypse 2023

Solved by : thewhiteh4t

  • Unknown.sol contains our contract with a simple condition i.e. if value version is 10 updated is set to True
  • When we connect with netcat and print flag, value of updated is checked, if value is True the flag is presented
  • First we need to get the current value of target address :

  • Target address is required to interact with the contract
  • I used web3py to interact with the contract using the following script :
from web3 import Web3
from solcx import compile_source

w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(''))

print(f'Connected : {w3.is_connected()}')

target = '0xBB5Cd458D2691070a1c9460C2d5882253e36a5c0'

with open('Unknown.sol', 'r') as solfile:
        sol_code =

compiled_sol = compile_source(sol_code, output_values=['abi', 'bin'])
contract_id, contract_interface = compiled_sol.popitem()
abi = contract_interface['abi']

print('Updating Value to 10')
contract_instance = w3.eth.contract(address=target, abi=abi)
  • Script first checks connection with the rpc endpoint
  • After that it compiles the contract source code, this is required to get value of abi i.e. Application Binary Interface
  • Its a sort of definition of the functions and data types present in the contract
  • abi of unknown.sol :
                    'inputs': [
                                    'internalType': 'uint256',
                                    'name': 'version',
                                    'type': 'uint256'
                    'name': 'updateSensors', 
                    'outputs': [], 
                    'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 
                    'type': 'function'
                    'inputs': [],
                    'name': 'updated', 
                                            'internalType': 'bool', 
                                            'name': '', 
                                            'type': 'bool'
                    'stateMutability': 'view',
                    'type': 'function'
  • So in this we can see our target function name is updateSensors
  • Finally script calls transact function on updateSensors with argument 10 which is the value of version required to set updated to True
  • After running the script and going back to netcat we can print the flag

nigamelastic’s method

A lot of stuff to install web3py

Target details:

Private key     :  0x9ccac2d9cb08e106e616725eb93ae220b74e45f84fcba7144385cbbf50be4287
Address         :  0x2F89F82055E803b470Da977C8260B4B25d0Fc43B
Target contract :  0x91FCa15f2602469894850ACEd90A6Fa523338e5d
Setup contract  :  0x00Ac07B771a835CA9E31A38B2FFFB2F1695dF6Fe

connected to rpc url:

 kali  python3
Python 3.11.2 (main, Feb 12 2023, 00:48:52) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from web3 import Web3
>>> rpc_url=""
>>> web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpc_url))
>>> web3.isConnected()

Checking stuff in ur private key:

private_key = '0x9ccac2d9cb08e106e616725eb93ae220b74e45f84fcba7'
account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key(private_key)
print(f"Your hot wallet address is {account.address}")
>>> balance = web3.eth.get_balance(public_address)
>>> print(balance)
web3.default_account = account.address
from web3.gas_strategies.rpc import rpc_gas_price_strategy

running transaction keeps giving me error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kali/Desktop/repos/Writeups/cyberapocalypse/cyberapolcalypse2023/blockchain/blockchain_navigating_the_unknown/", line 6, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Web3' object has no attribute 'isConnected'. Did you mean: 'is_connected'?

yeah all of that is BS, screw python learn nodejs like this:

const Web3 = require('web3');
const abi = [
        "inputs": [
                "internalType": "uint256",
                "name": "version",
                "type": "uint256"
        "name": "updateSensors",
        "outputs": [],
        "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
        "type": "function"
        "inputs": [],
        "name": "updated",
        "outputs": [
                "internalType": "bool",
                "name": "",
                "type": "bool"
        "stateMutability": "view",
        "type": "function"
const contractAddress = '0x7b92F8C66e04b3cc857218EeFaA433eab35F10d0';
const rpcUrl = '';
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(rpcUrl));
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contractAddress);
const version = 10;
contract.methods.updateSensors(version).send({ from: '0x5Bb68dc361f80fabB55916189af56d850d98FFDE' }, (error, txHash) => {
    if (error) {
        console.log('Error:', error);
    } else {
        console.log('Transaction hash:', txHash);

to get the flag

Published on : 27 Mar 2023